The U.S. Constitution provides multiple rights for someone accused of a crime-the defendant in a criminal case filed by a prosecutor. Choose one right for the accused, and explain why this is the most significant safeguard for criminal defendants. Discuss at least two U.S. Supreme Court opinions which interpreted this right. Did the Supreme Court limit or expand upon the plain language from the U.S. Constitution? In what way? Discuss the relevance of the right in modern society. It is recommended that your post contain approximately 400 words.
Spohn, C., & Hemmens, C. (2012). Courts: A text/reader (2nd ed.). Sage.
Section IV: Judges and Jurors
Howard, R. C., & Rich, L. A. (2006). A history of Miranda and why it remains vital today. Valparaiso Law Review, 40(3), 685-706.
This resource provides an analysis of the need for continued Fifth Amendment protections delineated by the U.S. Supreme Court in the U.S. v. Miranda decision.
Smith, C. E. (1996). The impact of new justices: The U.S. Supreme Court and criminal justice policy. Akron Law Review, 30(1), 55-72.
Smith advances an argument that the U.S. Supreme Court creates criminal justice policy through its rulings.
Web Page
Liptak, A. (2012, March 21). Justices' ruling expands rights of accused in plea bargains. The New York Times.
Liptak analyzes the defendant's right to effective, legal representation (Sixth Amendment) during plea agreement negotiations and proceedings.
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