Francine T. Sherman and Francine H. Jacobs. Juvenile Justice Advancing Research, Policy and Practice. 1sted. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2011. ISBN: 9780470497043.
Steven M. Cox, Jennifer M. Allen, Robert D. Hanser and John J. Conrad. Juvenile Justice A Guide to Theory, Policy and Practice. 9th ed. Sage Publications, 2018. ISBN: 9781506349008.
Complete the required reading and presentations in the Reading & Study folder. Then, answer the following critical thinking question from p. 76 of the Cox text: discuss the relationships amonth the family, the educational system, drugs and delinquency. Additionally, how does geography, race and social class combine to affect delinquency?
In order to have the possibility of receiving full points, you must complete your answer entirely.
This includes 4 fully developed pages include correct usage of APA format, your Christian world view, and relevant in-text support for both. The title-page, abstract, and reference page(s) are not included in the page count requirement. See the activity rubric for additional clarification.