
Discuss the relationship between economics business

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Scholarly Discussion: Based on what you have learned in the course so far, discuss the relationship between economics, business concepts (such as targeted marketing), social status, and wellness.

Share a link and/or summarize your topic so that we all have enough information to understand your discussion even if we are unfamiliar with the business or economic principle being analyzed.

Discuss how the relationship you describe relates to the concept of wellness as defined in this course and how it relates to specific challenges or supports wellness, and explain why you chose the topic and how you think it contributes to understanding or conceptualizing wellness.

Remember: Support your ideas with information presented in the course material and/or other scholarly resources. Also, give specific examples (real-life observations and experiences) to support your views. In addition, keep in mind the eight dimensions of wellness.

Contribute: Share an interesting website, podcast, blog, video, Twitter feed, article, journal, organization, or other online resource that you found in your research this week that relates to this module's theme.

Your active participation in the discussion forums is essential to your overall success this term.

Discussion questions are designed to help you make meaningful connections between the course content and the larger concepts and goals of the course.

These discussions offer you the opportunity to express your own thoughts, ask questions for clarification, and gain insight from your classmates' responses and instructor's guidance.

Requirements for Discussion Board Assignments

Students are required to post one initial post and to follow up with at least two response posts for each discussion board assignment.

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Dissertation: Discuss the relationship between economics business
Reference No:- TGS02664635

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