
Discuss the reasons you have for choosing this pathway in


PLEASE review and write these essays as specified below

Directions: For your final project you will write an essay that includes the following parts:

• Write a self-reflection on Pathway Selection. The questions are located in the table below.
• Write an essay on : Post Education Plan and Motivation Self-Reflection questions for each topic are located in the table below.
• Finally, write a paragraph based on your experiences in this course. The questions are located in the table below.

Format: The following are the format requirements for your Portfolio Essay:

• Essay is written using sentences and paragraphs (not just a list of responses)
• Essay is typed
• Essay uses 1st person (I, me, my, mine, etc.); this essay is about your thoughts and feelings
• The reflection pieces should be no longer than two pages long
• The Essay must be submitted using the assignment tool.


Pathway Selection

Discuss the reasons you have for choosing this pathway in life.
What information would be helpful to you as you consider the options in the pathway?
Do you have any questions regarding the majors in this pathway?
How do you expect this semester course work will be relevant to this pathway?
Describe an event that influenced you to choose this pathway.

Post Education Plan

Reflect on your degree's education plan and courses.

1. How realistic is the proposed class schedule for you and your life style?
2. When looking at your plan, what courses are you looking forward to taking the most? Why?
3. When looking at your plan, what courses cause you the most concern? Why?
4. What are the consequences for you if you take courses in a different order?

Motivation Self -Reflection

Reflect on what helps to keep you motivated on your journey to completing your courses.

1. Describe at least three challenges you will face in maintaining the motivation and interest to complete your "goals.
2. Analyze three ways you will learn how to be more persistent in order to overcome the challenges you will face in motivation.
3. List three attitudes and/or interests that will enhance your ability to be more motivated.

Final Self-Reflection of Academic Development (ACDV) experience

Reflect on your ACDV Experience:

1. What did you find most beneficial in the ACDV course? Why?
2. What was least helpful to you in the ACDV course? Why?
3. Where you able to achieve your goals during the ACDV experience? What could you improve?
4. What would you tell students entering this ACDV course/pathway so they will have a successful first semester?

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Other Subject: Discuss the reasons you have for choosing this pathway in
Reference No:- TGS02350144

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