Discuss the reasons of each problem using statistics -

Search the Internet to describe and find solutions for one of the following problems:

1. High traffic death rate in the UAE.

2. Dropping out of schools has been placed as the fifth major social problem in the UAE.

3. The quality of university graduates is not matching the job market needs in the UAE.

4. Widespread smoking among youth.

5. Suffering from Stress among working students.


1. Discuss the reasons of each problem using statistics.

2. Search Internet for statistics, cases and data that describe the problem.

3. State the internet sources you have used.

4. Suggest solutions for each problem.

5. Prepare PPT that outlines the outcomes of the groups discussions.

6. Each member of the group has to present part of the presentation in 2-3 minutes.

7. The presentation mark will count 10% of the total mark.

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Dissertation: Discuss the reasons of each problem using statistics -
Reference No:- TGS02499504

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