
Discuss the reasons for and what can be done to address

Assignment Below is your assignment for this subject.

Please read the brief and instructions thoroughly. A topical corporate governance issue in practice and academia is female representation in corporate management.

For example: the number or percentage of female compared to male directors on corporate boards the number or percentage of female compared to male directors in senior executive roles (e.g. chief financial officer, chief operating officer or chief information officer). Some reports in the media or from peak body organisations and associations suggest having quotas or future targets (i.e. female percentage of total) to work towards implementing. Others suggest an appointment should be based on the 'best person' for the job regardless of gender.

Conduct a review of this corporate governance issue and write a report with your findings. Use the concepts, tools and techniques learned in this subject to analyse the extent of these statements at the individual, board, organisation, industry/sector or jurisdiction levels e.g. state, country or international.

These focus questions could guide you in writing your assignment:

In which aspects of gender equality with respect to corporate governance has an organisation you are familiar with (i.e. or organisations in general) been reasonably successful?

Discuss what has led to the success and how it could be sustained.

In which aspects of gender equality with respect to corporate governance has an organisation you are familiar with (i.e. or organisations in general), failed, been criticised or less successful?

Discuss the reasons for this and what can be done to address them.

Your report should include:

A description of the issue related to the above assignment.

An outline of the criteria for the review of the gender equality governance issue(s). For example, mention which rules, standards or guiding principles are relevant for the review, discuss their importance and why it is appropriate for you to use them. ?A critical review of the organisation's governance applying the relevant concepts, principles, standards or other tools and techniques learnt during this subject.

Recommendations for suggested improvement based on your review. It is important to demonstrate your knowledge about the corporate governance issue and to clearly reference your sources.

Read about your issue in journal articles (using the AIB Online Library), books (including the textbook), industry reports, business literature, etc. Remember to note down your sources and reference your sources in the report. In order to do well you need to structure your discussion appropriately, use good references, and clearly link recommendations to the description and analysis presented earlier in the report.

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Corporate Finance: Discuss the reasons for and what can be done to address
Reference No:- TGS02313181

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