Difficult Client Case Study: Mary
Case Study: Mary
Mary is a 10-year-old fifth grader. She is participating in a behavior management school-based group on a referral by her teacher. Mary's teacher described her as very bright, but very disruptive. According to Mary's teacher, Mary often provoked other students in the classroom by calling names, touching and pushing, and trying to distract.
In the group, Mary was very quiet for the first two sessions, but has now begun using some of the same diversionary tactics she shows in class. She talks to other members of the group out of turn, pokes the members sitting closest to her, and laughs out loud at inappropriate times.
When you talk to Mary individually after the session, she shows remorse for her behavior and claims she is "just nervous" and "doesn't really know what to say" during the session. She agrees to focus more during group time and expresses a desire to stay in the group.
During the next session, however, Mary soon starts fidgeting and whispering to other members.
Discuss the interventions that you might use if you were the group leader in the case study.
Discuss the rationale for your interventions.