
Discuss the qualitative-quantitaive software programs


Describe briefly a research problem that you would like to pursue. Include the research question, and rationale for using qualitative, quantitative, or mixed approach to research. If quantitative or mixed, state the hypothesis.

Select one software program appropriate to your research approach, and discuss pro's and con's of using the software in your project .

The research problem that I can use these:

Does Children with diabetes affect their student behavior in school?

qualitative software programs;

1. ATLAS.ti: www.atlasti.com

2. Ethnograph Version 5.0 www.qualisresearch.com

3. HyperRESEARCH:www.researchware.com

quantitaive software programs:

1. JMP;www.jmp.com

2. SAS/STAT:www.sas.com

3. Statistical Package for the social Sciences ( SPSS) Student Version:www.spss.com

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