Discussion: Types of Assessment Tools
Prior to beginning work on this discussion,
• Read The Purposes of Educational Assessments
• Read Placement, Diagnostic, and Formative Assessment
• Read Summative Assessment
• Choose one of the following videos to watch:
o Improving Practice With Sarah Brown Wessling
o Keeping It Relevant and "Authentic"
o Assess and Plan With Exit Tickets
Consider how the teacher in the video you selected was assessing for learning. Make any connections with your own professional or educational experiences.
Complete the following:
• Answer the following questions using evidence from your course readings, based on the video you selected above:
o What evidence did you see and hear regarding formative assessments being an assessment for learning? More specifically, how did the teacher in your selected video assess during learning and how does it connect with your course readings? Make reference to your course readings to support your response.
o How did the teacher in your selected video able to determine the current progress of his or her learners in relation to mastering the objective? Provide specifics from the video and reference your course readings.
o How is the use of formative assessments helping to prepare learners for the summative assessment? Make reference to your course readings to support your response.
• Select one the following digital tools that can be used in an educational setting to assess learners:
o Kahoot
o Go Formative
o FlipGrid
o Padlet
• Provide a description of the tool you selected and how it could be used to assess your leaners.
• Develop a specific example of how you might use it when instructing, and identify if it would be considered diagnostic, formative, or summative. Explain your reasoning with evidence from your readings.
• Discuss whether assessing learners through digital means makes assessing learners more efficient for educators. Why or why not? Provide evidence from your course readings to support your response.
Required Resources
Lefrançois, G. R. (2013). Of learning and assessment.
• Purposes and Characteristics of Educational Assessments
• Placement, Diagnostic, and Formative Assessment
Davis, V. (2015, January 15). Fantastic, fast formative assessment tools
• This blog provides information about different methods to formatively assess learning and will assist you in your Creation of Formative
Edutopia. (2011, January 17). Keeping it relevant and "authentic"
• This video provides information about how one teacher uses formative assessments in the classroom. This video is one of three options you may choose to watch and will assist you in your Types of Assessment Tools discussion this week. This video has closed captioning and a transcript.
Queen's University. (n.d.). Examples of formative assessment exercises. In, Feedback and formative assessment tools [Web module section]. In, Assessment strategies [Web module]
• This web module slide provides information about different methods to formatively assess learning and will assist you in your Creation of Formative Assessments assignment.
Teaching Channel. (n.d.). Assess and plan with exit tickets
• This video provides information about how one teacher uses formative assessments in the classroom. This video is one of three options you may choose to watch and will assist you in your Types of Assessment Tools discussion this week. This video has closed captioning and a transcript.
Teaching Channel. (n.d.). Improving practice with Sarah Brown Wessling
• This video provides information about how one teacher uses formative assessments in the classroom. This video is one of three options you may choose to watch and will assist you in your Types of Assessment Tools discussion this week. This video has closed captioning and a transcript.
Wess. D. (n.d.). 56 different ways to gather evidence of student achievement
• This presentation provides information about different methods to formatively assess learning and will assist you in your Creation of Formative Assessments assignment.