
Discuss the purpose of the secure freight initiative

2 forum responses 150 words each APA format use citations:

1. Ryan Norton

When developing a port security plan it is designed from three fundamental perspectives: Design and Architecture Stage, Focus on Integration and Cooperation, and Minimize the Fortress Mentality. The Design and Architecture Stage should take place in the initial planning phase. The ability for ports to implement security after conception may be difficult thus making it of the utmost importance to create the security plan while determining the ports layout. The port will be accommodating various types of ships and in order to ensure the safety of the port a plan should be in place for each type of ship entering the port prior to it's building. The Focus on Integration and Cooperation is important because it's enabling all parties to have an input and feel as though they have value. This will ensure that all disagreements are discussed and that the best plan from a collaborative effort is put into action. Lastly, Minimizing the Fortress Mentality is going to impact the commerce trade. To keep the fortress mentality which is to protect those inside and deter attacks. While this is good in one sense, in another it may deter the ability to grow commercially as the restrictions may be too tight and not allow for free movement of commercial goods. This isn't to say that security isn't important, it's to say that as long as security is in place then there doesn't need to be a sense of over protection (Christopher, 2014).

Discuss the significance and purpose of the Secure Freight Initiative?

The SFI ensures containers from the ports will be scanned for radiation and information risk factors before being allowed to depart for the United States. In the event of a detection alarm, both homeland security personnel and host country officials will simultaneously receive an alert. It was also introduced as part of the SAFE Port Act of 2006. The ultimate aim will be to examine 100% of the containers passing through the Megaports to US ports. SFI intends to expand the use of scanning and imaging equipment and proven nuclear detection technology in foreign ports. Latest equipment based on using integrated technology which includes radiation portal monitors, non-intrusive imaging equipment and optical character recognition.(DHS, 2105).


Department of Homeland Security. (2015). Secure Freight Initiative. Retrieved from https://www.dhs.gov/secure-freight-initiative

Christopher, K. (2014). Port Security Management, Second Edition. CRC Press.

2. Kai Peters

What are the components that contribute to port security planning. Why are they important and what aspects of security planning are considered in port facility operations?

It is up to the port organization to advance a security mindful condition; the duty of Port Security operations is to sync between all people and partners that arrangement on directing business at that area. The three principal parts that must be considered in actualizing security arranging in port associations are Design and Architecture, Minimizing the Fortress attitude, and Integration and Cooperation.

The Design and Architecture part which is otherwise called the underlying arranging stage FSOs can survey what sort of security gear expected to oblige the port operations starting build out. Outlining an office that backings security operations spares time and cash over the long haul. This does not imply that these offices will have the capacity to keep away from future redesigns as operations turn out to be more powerful, rather it offers a center security benchmark to bolster port operations. The Integration and Cooperation some portion of security arranging is the place the FSOs can make enormous additions with all partners and invested individuals. As uncommon security administrator, will consider uniting everybody to lay out the arrangement with expectations of getting great criticism. Productive feedback can demonstrate significant for all gatherings since you will have the capacity to get an alternate understanding. The partners realize that the security chief esteem their assessment and proposals. The security director should likewise investigate the mission of the port and how certain insurances may influence hierarchical efficiency for those organizations it is ensuring.

The agreement between safety efforts and port methods are sensitive and if shamefully address displays a risk that could make burden port operations. Accordingly, when building up a security arrange supervisors ought to concentrate on killing vulnerabilities for criminal action inside the port, Identifying and reacting to well being issues, limiting the danger of fear mongering, lessening open doors for inner criminal connivances, and sorted out wrongdoing, haring knowledge and investigative data with fitting law authorization organizations and advance open doors for the trading of best practices in port security.

What is the significance and purpose of the Secure Freight Initiative?

The Secure Freight Initiative is a joint organization between the U.S. Homeland Security, Department of Energy, and Department of. This activity is a piece of a layered way to deal with port and compartment security in which radiation entrance screens are disseminated at ports to assemble information on holders making a beeline for the U.S. This innovation recognizes radiological and atomic substances in or on delivery holders and if a hit is gotten it alarms the host nation and DHS faculty of the occasion.


DHS. Secure Freight Initiative. Department of Homeland Security. https://www.dhs.gov/secure-freight-initiative (March 23, 2017).

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