
Discuss the proper procedure for obtaining securing and

For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation about laboratory services. You may research the services available in your local jurisdiction or conduct library or Internet research about generally available services.

Your presentation should address the areas described below. Evaluate the role of laboratory services in a fire investigation.

Summarize the types of services fire and forensic laboratories can provide in a fire investigation.

Discuss the proper procedure for obtaining, securing, and submitting evidence for laboratory analysis or testing.

Discuss the role of forensic scientists, criminalists, and/or laboratory technicians as expert witnesses, to include what makes them credible and reliable (e.g., credentials, experience).

You should offer specific examples or evidence in your presentation. You should create a well-organized presentation that is not only informative but presents a professional and appealing appearance.

You will utilize the notes section of each slide to add additional narrative and talking points to support the information in the slide. Your PowerPoint presentation will consist of 8 to 10 slides, not counting the title and reference slides.

You are required to use at least three sources. All references should be formatted in APA style. In addition, your presentation should address concerns of how the experts used are deemed competent.

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Dissertation: Discuss the proper procedure for obtaining securing and
Reference No:- TGS02855795

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