Discuss the proper preparation aspects of new product

1. Discuss the proper preparation aspects of new product development. Deduce why companies are feeling the pressure to bring new products to the market quickly. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of early versus late market testing. Evaluate how the decision should be made. Does it depend on market demographics and/or products?

2. Evaluate the ATAR model, including its purpose, application, and so forth. Compare how that model might be used in developing a new product versus a new service. Review the components of the ATAR model, and apply them to a new product or service you developed. (Use either an actual new product/service or a fake new product/service.)

3. As part of your company's strategy, it feels it is important to bring a new-to-the-world product to market. Describe how that is different than other products. Develop a planning approach for new-to-the-world products. How would you involve top management and the customer to ensure success?

4. (When is the PIC used in the evaluation process? Using the product from your Course Project, write a PIC that would allow it to pass to the next phase. Remind your instructor of the topic of your Course Project.

5. What are the five key assessment factors in industrial design assessment? Using your Course Project as the basis, describe how the product would be designed so that it would meet or exceed these factors.

6. What information does test marketing provide that other types of tests do not? What factors cannot be controlled in test markets? What test parameters must you select, and what criteria might you use for the selection?

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Marketing Management: Discuss the proper preparation aspects of new product
Reference No:- TGS01002874

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