
Discuss the progression of star trek or compare the

Explore the use of horror, fantasy, or science fiction in contemporary society. Throughout the semester, we are reading these types of novels in chronological order in an attempt to explore the development of horror, fantasy, and science fiction. For the research paper, I would like you to consider a contemporary perspective.

You might discuss the progression of Star Trek or compare the prequels from Star Wars, for instance. You might write a theoretical examination of syfy network (how have we arrived at a point where sci-fi is so common as to have its own slang?). You might compare a film adaptation of a story to demonstrate how/why the film director changes or reinterprets details from a story. These are but a couple of ideas. As with any paper, you should include quotations and other relevant details from the text(s) you are discussing. The paper must also come with a Works Cited page that cites the piece(s) (since you will be quoting) as well as two additional secondary sources that help to support your argument. Be sure that you have created a thesis statement, and use topic sentences to focus your paper throughout. Do not use first or second person in your paper.

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English: Discuss the progression of star trek or compare the
Reference No:- TGS0831376

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