
Discuss the problems faced by todays police departments

Lesson Assignments (Two)

Chapter 4

Discuss the problems faced by today's police departments that were also present during the early days of policing.

Distinguish between the duties of the state police, sheriffs' departments, and local police departments.

Do you believe that the general public has greater respect for the police today than in the past? If so why? If not, why not? .

What are some of the technological advances that should help the police solve more crimes? What are the dangers of these advances?

Chapter 5

Should the primary police role be law enforcement or community service? Explain.

Should a police chief be permitted to promote an officer with special skills to a supervisory position, or should all officers be forced to spend "time in rank"? Explain your answer.

Do the advantages of proactive policing outweigh the disadvantages? Explain.

Explain the concept of broken windows policing. Why might it be successful?

Submission Instructions:

Complete your assignment by clicking "Write Submission" (not "Comments") and entering text into the textbox and format using the Blackboard formatting tools--OR--use the "paste" function and copy from a word processor document into the textbox (recommended), and click Submit. You may view your posting both on this page and under My Grade (available under Tools). Do not attach files. For each question include at least one link to an internet site you researched to form your answer to that question.

Extra Credit Work. This assignment gives you the opportunity to earn extra credit points which will be totaled separately from the required assignments. Submit it in a BB message using as the subject line the words "Extra Credit" and the chapter number. An extra credit assignment must be submitted in the same timeframe as the required assignment.

Chapter 4 Extra Credit: Federal Law Enforcement Agencies

Conduct internet research on at least two Federal Law Enforcement Agencies. Use the results of your research to discuss each agency's history; its law enforcement jurisdiction (what crimes it investigates); its nation-wide organization; leadership hierarchy; employment qualifications; and which of the two you would prefer to work for and why. Provide links to the internet sites you researched.

Chapter 5 Extra Credit: SARA and the Crime Triangle

Conduct internet research about SARA (Scan, Analyze, Respond, Assess) and the crime triangle as methods of policing. Discuss SARA and the crime triangle in detail in order to demonstrate your understanding of them and how to implement them as policing strategies. Provide links to the internet sites you researched.

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Dissertation: Discuss the problems faced by todays police departments
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