Please watch the short documentary below. You may have to copy the link and paste it into a new window to view the video.
This video is a very sensitive issue and deals with the issue of prison rape and suicide. I know that this video may be hard to watch, but this is a reality of prison and I believe that all students in a correction's course must understand these issues.
After watching the video please answer the following questions:
- Do you agree with how the prison handled Rodney's situation?
- What do you believe the prison officials and correctional officers should do in a situation when they discover a sexual assault?
- What do you believe should happen to the inmates who brutalized Rodney?
- Please discuss the Prison Rape Elimination Act and if you think it is helpful for individuals like Rodney.
Post Requirements
Make sure you use proper grammar and cite any resources utilized.
400 Words
Do not Plagiarized