
Discuss the principles of retail marketing strategy

Discuss the below:

Review company case sears:Why should you shop there?

Review The big missteps that brought an American retail icon to the edge of collapse by Sarah Halzack

Q1) Discuss the principles of retail marketing strategy. In terms of these principles, illustrate how Sears became the premier retailer in the US.

Q2) Next, according to the same principles of retail marketing strategy, discuss how lost its positioning as the premier retailer in the US.

Q3) What marketing strategy has Sears adopted today to help turn things around? Has it worked? Why/Why Not?

Q4) Despite Sears' experience, do you feel the function of retailers in the channel distribution system will 1) generally remain the same in the future or, 2) do you think it will (or is) evolving into something different (and into what), or 3) retailing will cease to exist as it is known today, and products will be distributed direct from manufacturers? Pick one and explain/discuss in context of the principles of retail marketing strategy?


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Marketing Management: Discuss the principles of retail marketing strategy
Reference No:- TGS01949615

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