
Discuss the preparation of a new tourism plan or policy


The Task

Prepare a discussion paper proposing the preparation of a new tourism plan or policy to address an emergiig tourism issue. For example, this issue might be an emerging crisis such as the global financial crisis or the Brexit or an outbreak of a transmittable disease such as avian flu; or a long-term issue such as climate change. coral bleaching or even a planned deviation of a major highway to bypass a tourist town.

You wil have to make a number of decisions in order b narrow your focus. Remember the more focused the tourism issue you are addressing in your discussion paper. the more targeted your research will be and the easier it will be to write your assignment!

We highly recommend that you identify a topic of your own interest, experience or knowledge and encourage you to discuss it with your tutor.

Alternatively, you may choose one of the following:

• National tourism plannng - e.g. propose a plan/palicy to address issues arising for Australia from Brexit; or to address the effects of one of the six megatrends identified by CSIRO on Australian tourism

• Regionablocal destination tourism planning - e.g. propose plan to manage visitation to a cross-border region (e.g. Australia's Green Cauldron National Landscape in Northern New South Wales and Southern Queensland - australiasereencauldron.com.au); or propose a response plan to manage the effects of clinate change on tourism in a local government area

• Protected marine environments - e.g. propose a poicy to manage the effects of a major coral bleaching event in a marine protected area.

• Protected lands - e.g. propose a plan to manage commercial tourism operator access to national parks.

• Indigenous tourism - e.g. propose the development of a planlpolicy to address identtied gaps 1-1 supply and demand issues of Indigenous tourism in Australia (See Ruhanen, L, Whitford, M and McLennan, G 2013. Demand and Supply Issues in Indigenous Tourism: A Gap Analysis.

Synopsis available at: www.iba.gov.aulwo-conterithiplinarKOO111030013nT14ResearchRepnic)ernand-and-Siipply-Isciies-in-Indigenous-Tourism- A-GapnA.nalysis-Synopsis.pdf

Report Content

The report will contain the following information:

1. position statement (approx. 300 words) - this statement dearly indicates all the assumptions you have made about who you work for, the agency's goals and the particular goals and objectives of the policy issue or problem that your paper is addressing. This serves as the introduction

2. background context (approx. 1000 words) - a discussion of issues that have influenced the emergence of this particular issue, ensuring that you have research and property referenced your discussion

3. a statement of need (approx. 1000 words) - a background statement on why the tourism plan is needed (consider the role of government, business and other stakeholders, and is possble reasons for government intervention)

4 scope of the proposed plan (approx. 500 words) - identification of possble policy approaches and instruments that the plan or policy will consider (this helps scope or provide direction to those who might be preparing the plan/policy)

5. proposed process (approx. 200 words) - an outline of a proposed planning process including details of consultation. inplementation and review

6. a bibliography, including at least 20 references that you have cited in the discussion paper. No more than 7 references are to be web sources and at least 10 references must be academic references.

In preparing this discussion paper you are to demonstrate your understanding of the totrism planning environment. You are also required to demonstrate a high level of professional report writing and communication skills, and critical thinking and analytical stalls. As a way of demonstrating this, in your paper you are b include the following:

clear headings and well-structured paragraphs no spelling, grammatical or typographical errors

• in-text referencing and a reference list in Harvard Style as per the library style guide: htto Blibouidesscu_edusuiharvard

• all data, information and sources are to be clearly acknowledged

• all quotes are to be properly referenced including author, date and page number.

Substitute Teaching Salaries

• At this point in the school year you have used 'A of the amount budgeted for substitute teaching salaries. This amount should be posted in Spent to Date.

• However, you have learned three teachers are on maternity leave which will cost the school and additional cost of $5,000 in substitute teacher's salaries. This will cause an overspending of the funds appropriated. You should post $5,000 in Encumbrances to Date to cover the additional costs. Don't forget you will need to cover other teacher's absences that occur for the remainder of the school year. So, you should also encumber the monies that were left over after you posted 'A of the substitute salaries in the Spent to Date cell.

Conferences Expense -

• $1,750 has been spent to date on conferences. Place this amount in the appropriate cell.

• The prior principal approved two kindergarten teachers to attend a conference at a cost of $250 each but has not paid for it. Post the $500 in Encumbrances to Date.

Facility Expenses -

• $1900 has been spent to repair the kiln in the art room. This amount should be posted in Spent to Date. A purchase order for $500 has been submitted but not paid for to repair a fence. This amount should be posted in Encumbrances to Date.

Further Information to Consider

• Interactive Whitcboards are $1100, per the district contract

• There are 30 classrooms on campus.

• The General Fund is used to provide resources necessary to sustain the day to day activities of the school and thus pays for all administrative and operating expenses. It can also be used to purchase equipment; however, you must be sure to not over spend in the general fund for these are district appropriated funds. Over spending in the general fund could result in serious financial issues for the school and district. Therefore, it is wise to hold back a minimum of 5% of the general fund as a contingency fund. Place this amount in cell C21.

Submittal Instructions:

Use this section to record your answers from the completed spreadsheet. Once you have recorded your answers, open the Quiz in the Module entitled: Budget Activity Quiz and transfer your answers to the appropriate question. Also, upload your spreadsheet for my review.

Question 1: What is the total balance for the Spent to Date Column?

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Business Law and Ethics: Discuss the preparation of a new tourism plan or policy
Reference No:- TGS03012149

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