
Discuss the potential risk and opportunities for sertony ltd

1. Discuss the best approch for sertony re.Organisation control. Please provide your assumtion and the condations that would need to exist for an alternative apploch to be selected.

2. Calculate the total scope 1,2,and 3 emission-s of sertony Ltd pty

3. Given the nature of the organisation; identifly whether there are any risk associated with using the calculation undertaken in part (ii) as the base year

4. Discuss the potential risk and opportunities for Sertony Ltd Pty, based on its emission pfofile and down stream exposure

5. Outline an achiverble carbon management strategy that Sertony cound outline the potencial benefits and risk 6. identifly and evalute potenciel oppotunities tha the organisation can engage in to reduse its emmission.

6. Outline what a potencial carbon offset strategy for bSertony Ltd PTY

7. Idetifly the key stake holders in the carbon management strategy and highlight some of the challanges that may be faced in the angagement phase.

Individual Assignment:

Sertony Ltd Pty is a property group which encompasses funds management, investment, development and property investment banking. It is a top 100 ASX listed company and currently only has offices in Australia.

To date, Sertony has approximately A$15 billion of assets under management.

The annual energy consumed from Sertony’s assets is outlined below:

Site address State Electricity consumed (kwh) Diesel consumed (kL) Gas consumed (GJ)

4 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 7,500,000 3000 9500
35 George Street, Parramatta NSW 4,567,870 N/A 6500
45 Grete St, Lidcome NSW 5,678,990 N/A 1000
576 Harwood Place, Pyrmont NSW 2,145,670 4350 N/A
56 Trent Road, Ryde NSW 8,900,800 N/A N/A
356 Market Street, Acton ACT 4,354,670 1000 4500
67 Kent Street, Mitchell ACT 2,134,670 N/A 3450
87 Kylie Road, Richardson ACT 3,435,670 870 N/A
65 Metry Road, Campbeltown SA 990,890 N/A 5430
67 North Street, Adelaide SA 678,980 560 3000
67 Skype Place, Rose Park SA 3,200,560 1000 N/A
56 Yetra Street, Ipswich QLD 3,430,890 N/A 1000
89 Loop Place, Brisbane QLD 123,456 N/A 870
78 Yutu Street, Armadale WA 2,100,230 400 N/A
134 Red Street, Ashfield WA 765,890 N/A 1240

The staff at Sertony Pty Ltd has also undertaken the following road and flight travel nationally:

Mode of travel Dollars spent (annual) Km traveled (annual)
Taxi $980,000 N/A
Car allowances $234,000 N/A
Air flights 23,456,780 km

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