Honley Company has 20 clerks that work in its accounts payable department. A study revealed the following activities and the relative time demanded by each activity: Suppose that Honley attacks the root cause of the non-valueadded activities by establishing a totally different approach to procurement called electronic data interchange (EDI). EDI gives suppliers access to Honley's online database that reveals Honley's production schedule. By knowing Honley's production schedule, suppliers can deliver the parts and supplies needed just in time for their use. When the parts are shipped, an electronic message is sent from the supplier to Honley that the shipment is en route. When the order arrives, a bar code is scanned with an electronic wand initiating payment for the goods. EDI involves no paper-no purchase orders- no receiving orders-and no invoices.
Percentage of
Clerical Time
Comparing purchase orders and receiving orders and invoices
Resolving discrepancies among the three documents
Preparing checks for suppliers
Making journal entries and mailing checks
The average salary of a clerk is $30,000.
Discuss the potential effects of this solution on Honley's bill-paying process. Is this process innovation or process improvement? Explain.