Assignment task: Ben is a 65 years hold who lives with his support wife Jan was diagnosis with non small cell cancer and was in remission . and lately as been feeling unwell and a scan show as is cancer is return which as now metastasis .is living with is wife but she found care for him to exusting and he his transfer to an age care for respite care . during is stay his concern about dying with Jen , a care worker. You will need to answer this questions and understand the trajectory metastatic non small cell lung cancer the focus is to explore of advance care planning in the contest of ben chronic illness .
1) What are the differences between the next of kin, a medical treatment decision maker, a support person, a power of attorney, and a guardian in relation to Ben? Please give examples of each describing their legal role involved in Ben's care.
2) Which one/s would be the most appropriate for Ben to have in his current condition? Why?
3) Define advance care planning and discuss the possible benefits of advance care planning for both Ben and Jan.
4) At what point during Ben's illness trajectory might a conversation on advanced care planning be initiated with Ben? There may be differing opinions on this within the literature, (not holder than ten years) ,please describe these giving examples as to why the opinions differ.