
Discuss the possibility of an extension

English 101 QCC-CUNY Dr. David Humphries Paper 1: A Literacy Narrative  
In this paper, you will reflect on your progress as a writer over the years. You might focus on any number of the following questions and issues, with the exception of #8, which you must include:
1) your first experience as a writer

2) a new experience you had as a writer

3) your most memorable experience as a writer

4) your most recent experience as a writer

5) where you see yourself going as a writer, either in your studies, your career, or your personal life

6) the person who has had the biggest impact on you as a writer

7) another writer who has influenced the way you see writing

8) what your immediate goals are for this course and this term

This paper is a bit different from the rest of the writing you will be doing in this course in that it is not directly related to the texts we are considering together in class. The purpose of this paper is to allow you to begin working on your writing while reflecting on yourself as a writer. Some of you may have written a literary narrative in your first college writing course. I am not prohibiting you from using writing that you may have done elsewhere , and I encourage you to use your first free write in this paper if you wish. However, since you must address #8, you must update your reflections and your writing.
For this assignment, a good paper will be well organized, with an introduction that catches your readers' attention, a body full of specific details and descriptions, and a conclusion that adds an element of reflection or perhaps looks ahead to the future. Keep in mind that you may be sharing parts of this work with your classmates.
Be sure to follow these directions or suffer the stated penalty.

1) At the top left hand corner of your paper, you should have your name, the class number, your professor's name, the date, and the title of your paper. -5

2) Your final draft must be typed and double-spaced with one-inch margins. -10

3) Your paper must be at least three full pages long. -10

4) Your paper must be turned in by the due date. -10

5) If you miss the deadline, your paper must be turned in within a week. -100
As always, please contact me before the deadline if there is any significant reason that you cannot turn your work in on time to discuss the possibility of an extension.

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Humanities: Discuss the possibility of an extension
Reference No:- TGS0552941

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