For this case assignment you will want to write an evaluation. You will want to choose a home product or service that you use often, and write an evaluation of that product or service. For example, I am bald and shave my head often. Choosing razors has become a tedious chore for me. Razors are expensive, some are poorly designed, and some do not last very long. As you can see I have already set categories to evaluate the razor that I use: cost, design/use, longevity. I might also compare my current razor to ones I have used before as well. The key is to evaluate the product or service fairly and objectively. Think about your audience as a group of people like yourself, who use the same product or service, but would like more information about how well the service or product is provided.
Assignment: Write a four-five page, double-spaced evaluation essay.
- Introduce your product or service. What is it and why have you decided to evaluate it?
- Discuss how you plan to evaluate the product or service.
- Explain both your experience with the product and those of others (cite any other reviews or evaluations that you find on the product or service)
- Express both positive and negative attributes of the product or service. You might also offer solutions to improve the negative aspects
- Conclude by making a recommendation or a determination as to whether others should use the product or service or some other alternative
- Write a four-five page evaluation on a product or service that you use regularly
- Include an introduction and conclusion
- Create categories or criteria for how you intend to evaluate your topic
- Include both personal experiences and what others have said about your product or service
- Cite any sources you use
Be fair and objective, considering your audience and tone