
Discuss the philosophy of education in the portfolio


Educational Philosophy 1 page APA

Part 1:

When you apply for a job in the field of education, you will frequently be asked to include your philosophy of education in the portfolio. In addition, you will likely be asked by potential or current employers to discuss your philosophy and your reasons for your beliefs. Think about all of the discussions that you have had about various topics and ethics within your area of specialization. Review the theories and models that you found particularly appropriate and that aligned with your goals. Develop a philosophy of education (1 page maximum) that includes the following (at a minimum):

  • Why you feel education is an important profession
  • How you like to be taught
  • How you plan to approach your learners
  • What you consider your teaching style to be
  • How you support learning

Keep in mind that you are writing your education philosophy statement for a potential employer, and format it accordingly.

Part 2:

Once you have written your Education Philosophy, this assignment will require you to create a video in which you read your Education Philosophy statement and explain your thought process behind its creation (theories, models, research, experiences that inspired your philosophy creation, and so on). You will be required to view and comment on the videos of at least 3 of your peers. Upon completion of your peer reviews, you will review the comments provided by your classmates on your video, review any faculty and field expert comments provided, and then adjust your Education Philosophy as necessary. You will submit your final version of your Education Philosophy into the Virtual Campus Assignment Submission area for final grading. To complete this assignment, you will use a tool called Practice. To access the video and review the tools required for this assignment process, complete the following:

  1. View the announcements section of this classroom. Your instructor will post instructions with a link to access Practice and create your account. Once logged in you will then see a list of all of the exercises required for the assignment. Select the name of the exercise that you are required to complete. Begin by viewing the challenge video, which will provide more detail on the assignment.
  2. Record your video and view and review peer responses.
  3. Finally, you will be prompted to view an expert response.



Based on the verbs chosen during the creation of the curriculum behavioral learning objectives from Unit 2, submit the curriculum ASSESSMENTS and ANSWER KEYS. While the type and variety of assessments is up to the candidate creating the curriculum, the assessments must align with the verb choice and cognitive level determined during Unit 2. This includes any tests, authentic assessment, or diagnostic products that will be used to check the objective mastery.

Content and Purpose: The paper must be a collection of the tests to be used in the Curriculum Guide to assess the completion of the objectives for each unit. An answer key or scoring rubric must accompany the tests or assignment descriptions.

Organization, Grammar & presentation: The paper is well organized listing the unit title, objectives for the unit, test questions or assignment description, and answer key or scoring rubric. There are no spelling and grammatical errors.

Information Literacy- No sources are needed as all work must be original.

Critical thinking; the analysis of the subject to be taught is clearly apparent in the assessments chosen. Assessment of student mastery of the objectives will be clearly defined by the assessments and scoring tools provided.

Implementation Strategies 6 to 8 pages APA

Design an entire comprehensive technology plan (CTP) for a school Building or district, college, or corporate training sector. The plan should cover every grade level and subject for a school district or building, every course within a college program, or every training phase within a company's training branch.

The final project is a plan of 6 to 8 pages that explains in detail the components of the technology plan. The plan should also include the following:

  • Rationale for each recommendation
  • A comprehensive list of items needed for hardware, software, and services
  • This does not need to include a budget with prices
  • Identification of all educators and support staff and their roles in implementing and maintaining the technology

Sections of the plan should include the following components:

  • A typical school building or company local area network (LAN)
  • Administrative building local area network (LAN)
  • School district or company wide area network (WAN), including the Internet
  • Computers placed in the following: classrooms, computer labs, libraries, and laptop carts
  • Other hardware and peripherals
  • Software for general productivity for every grade
  • Special software for specific subjects or programs
  • Network security
  • Computer security
  • Staff development
  • Technical support including support staff and aides
  • Public relation outreach and possible outside partnerships

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Business Law and Ethics: Discuss the philosophy of education in the portfolio
Reference No:- TGS02994126

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