
Discuss the overall quality of clinical care offered at the

This discussion is practice for your Unit 9 assignment.

Using the Medicare Nursing Home Compare website, research one nursing home that has a reported customer complaint.

After thoroughly researching your nursing home on the Medicare Nursing Home Compare website, discuss the demographics of the nursing home (e.g., ownership, location, etc.).

Address the reported customer complaints (e.g., nature of complaint, validity of complaint, etc.). Was the complaint validated by noncompliance of regulation or policy? What would you do to correct these complaints? Finally, how do you compare these customer complaints with the nursing homes' survey deficiencies?

This is an opportunity for you to explore the practical application of quality research in healthcare. I encourage you to respond in first person, share personal experiences, and ask questions to further develop your understanding of quality performance and value in healthcare.


Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

Present the differences between clinical quality and customer service quality.

Course outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

Present the differences between clinical quality and customer service quality.


For this Assignment, you will research the differences between clinical quality and customer service quality, specifically in long-term care.

Using the Medicare Nursing Home Compare website, research one nursing home that has a reported customer complaint.

Provide a general overview of the nursing home (e.g., name, location, bed size, ownership, etc.)

Discuss the overall quality of customer service offered at the nursing home (as evident by customer complaint inspection results)

Discuss the overall quality of clinical care offered at the nursing home (as evident by recent survey inspection results)

Discuss appropriate techniques that you would use to improve quality of customer service offered at the nursing home

Discuss appropriate techniques that you would use to improve quality of clinical care in the nursing home.

Be sure to include details about the complaints that you found.

Report your findings by using one (1) of the methods below:

3-4 page paper excluding front and back matter (APA standards apply).

Internal organizational memorandum.


Power Point presentation for a Board of Directors (10-12 slides; speaker notes as needed to support assertions).

The use of first person is permitted for this Assignment (excluding option 1). APA formatting (e.g., title page, conclusion, font size, etc.) should not be used if you choose to complete the memorandum, infographic, PSA, or newscast.

Although the use of APA formatting is not required for this Assignment, proper grammar, spelling, and an APA formatted reference list of sources are expected.

Be sure to include all required aspects of the assignment.

You can select any nursing home published on the Medicare Hospital Compare website. To narrow your selection, consider researching nursing homes in your community, previous places of residence, employers, competitors, or even a nursing home you would like to network with someday.

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Operation Management: Discuss the overall quality of clinical care offered at the
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