Length: 3000 words - a city case study addressing the following terms of reference: The City is New York City
"This piece of coursework is designed to enable you to demonstrate your ability to apply theory to the practical task of analysing a city economy for the purpose of formulating city development strategies. You are required to cover the following areas (but not necessarily in this order):
a) The specific conceptual / theoretical perspective(s) you will use to interpret your case and the justification for this choice -The Theoretical perspective you will use in this case will be "The Global City Hypothesis"- See Attachment "CHICAGO City Case Example" And "Session 5 Page 14-15"
b) The overall performance of the city economy;
c) The present structure of the city economy, as identified by the sectoral distributions of output and employment;
d) Structural changes of the city economy in the immediate past (10-30 years)
e) The context impelling these changes - this may include changes in the markets for the city's output, increased competition, national policy interventions etc.;
f) The role of public authorities (local, provincial/state, national) in ignoring, resisting, initiating or facilitating the structural changes; if there were innovations, how were they organised and financed?
g) The most important problems that the city faces in your view
h) Economic strategies you would propose in order to address these problems."