Part 1
Select a company from the manufacturing or service sector
-Discuss the output and input(s) you will measure to calculate the productivity.
-Come up with random (but realistic) numbers for output and input(s).
-Calculate a single-factor (labor) productivity and multifactor productivity measure.
-Will you go with a single-factor productivity or multifactor productivity measure and why?
-Relate to the problems related to productivity measurement discussed in the chapter to your case.
-In your example, if labor productivity is increased to 0.1 output units per labor-hour, how many hours would the average laborer work that month?
-Discuss the challenges of improving productivity in the service sector and the ways productivity can be improved in the service sector.
Part 2
Research online for two different companies on their global business environment.
-Describe their global strategy as evident from their websites?
-Comment on if global operations strategy adopted by each is international, multi-domestic, global, or transnational, and why?
-Do their facility locations reflect their global strategy?
-What proportion of their business is done globally?
-In general, discuss an organization’s mission and strategy and purpose of each?
-In general, discuss how the factor rating method is used for location or service provider selection.