You will use your individual approved target enterprise. Create a 12- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation for a Mini-Strategy using the Mini-Strategy Outline. Include the following in your outline:
Evaluate the organization's vision statement.
Discuss the organization's current goals and objectives.
Assess the organization's current status.
Board members
Number of employees
Conduct a basic SWOT analysis including the implications of the environment on a global organization.
Report recent financial results including annual revenues, annual after tax earnings, and year end stock prices. Obtain results for the last 5 years.
Perform competitor benchmarking.
Develop strategic recommendations that are designed to realize growth.
Create a profile of the current CEO including the below:
Background and accomplishments
Education and educational experiences
Length of time in the current position
Major career accomplishments
Leadership and management styles
Vision for the company
Innovative accomplishments
You must meet or exceed (no points deducted for reasonable overage) the minimum deliverables length threshold (12-15 slides with speaker notes beneath each slide-not including title slide and citations slide) in order to ensure sufficient coverage of the learning objectives. If you do not meet it, points will be deducted.
Format Be sure to include title slide, and reference citations must be presented on unique slide. Be sure citations list is complete, i.e. course text (Hitt, Ireland, and Hoskisson) target enterprise, and any additional research conducted.