
Discuss the opinion handed down by the us supreme court


Watch the Civil liberties video, read the text, and respond to the questions below:

1. The video discusses the opinion handed down by the U. S. Supreme Court inRiley v. California (2014) which indicated that police need a warrant to search cell phones when someone is arrested. How did the Justices rule (number of votes for and against)?

a) 5 to 4

b) 6 to 3

c) 7 to 2

d) 9 to 0

2. According to the video, how did the Justices reason that cell phones were different from other items, such as wallets, that police can search?

a) The larger amount of time and effort it would take to search a cell phone versus a wallet

b)The large amount of information that smartphones, especially, can store

c) The larger expense of cell phones versus other items

d) The greater likelihood that other items would contain evidence in the commission of a crime

3. According to the video, Justice Alito, a former federal prosecutor, wrote a separate opinion which indicated which of the following:

a) As he was concerned about the implications for privacy, he suggested a criminal penalty for officers who violate the Fourth Amendment

b) As he was concerned about the impact on law enforcement, he suggested that Congress may revisit the issue again in the future

c) As he was concerned with the impact on fighting crime, he suggested that cell phone companies agree to provide certain, limited data

d) As he was concerned with the repercussions on state policies, he suggested state-level policymakers acclimate law enforcement with the ruling

4. According to your textbook, which concept suggests that if police search through your cellphone that any information obtained from it may not be admissible in court?

a) The inadmissibility rule

b) The impermissibility rule

c) The search and seizure rule

d) The exclusionary rule

According to your textbook, what does the Fourth Amendment protect our persons, homes, and property from?

a) Confiscation

b) Damage

c) Excessive taxation

d) Unreasonable search and seizure

5. Do you agree with the majority opinion? Why or why not? What are the pros and cons of the decision?

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Other Subject: Discuss the opinion handed down by the us supreme court
Reference No:- TGS02060766

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