
Discuss the nouthetic counseling program

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My studies from the previous course in psychology and Christian counseling have led me to consider my own worldview. I have stated that prior to coming to Liberty University, I almost enrolled in Jay Adams "nouthetic counseling" program. As I have become a student at Liberty, I am greatly thankful for taking the time to follow the guidance of the Spirit of God. It led me to Liberty and while I am in no way intending to dishonor Mr. Adams nor his beliefs, I do want to simply state that I hold a more personal therapy model as a worldview. The Biblical perspective may work for some however, I believe we are all social creatures and need social interaction. Dr. Larry Crabb wrote: "we are relational, not mechanical" (Understanding Who You Are,1997). As we seek to help others in both a Christian perspective and psychological view, we must consider the whole person. This will require a relational aspect of getting to know who the person is and the impact of their whole life. This would require us to start from the beginning. Freud's psychoanalytical theory helps develop greater understanding of their childhood upbringing. This theory holds the view of "delayed development" in the early stages of growth stops a child from growing while they are still aging. So, if a child ceases to grow, they will not be able to get passed their sticking point and it will become an stumbling block for the person as they continue to get older. Continuing on, a counselor will bring out the adult issues from early childhood to the present time. The socialcultural theory will draw on information based on the social aspect of how the clients environment shaped their life. This will also draw on the behaviorism theory that will monitor how a person behaves. Bringing this into a cognitive theory that will focus on what the person thinks which will be shown by their actions. The universal theory does have some very good points considering that it states that all people have similarities. I call that, the draw of God. Created in His image with an inborn appeal to things greater than ourselves. In conclusion, viewing multiple theories allows us more opportunity to help out fellow man. Not simply focusing on one theory or another brings a better chance to better help those in need.

References: Clinton, et al, 2005 Crabb, Understanding Who You are, 1997 Brender, Developmental Psychology King, Experiencing Psychology 2nd Edition



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