Part -1:
You have discovered there is much more to the human mind and body, as well as the importance and inner workings as it relates to the world of psychology. This week please choose two or more of the known neurotransmitters (neurochemical messengers) and discuss the following according to the requirements for discussions provided in the syllabus
Do not be afraid to search the internet for additional information.
1. Discuss what neurotransmitters are.
2. Discuss the neurotransmitter or neurotransmitters you chose, to include what the neurotransmitter does and the effects it has on the human body.
3. Provide information about the chosen neurotransmitter as it relates to society (ie. research, discoveries, societal impact)
Part -2:
the conscious mind and identifies various aspects of sleep. As we live and work in a society that is quickly passing us by, we strive to keep up and society seeks ways to do more in less time. Unfortunately we tend to sacrifice sleep as it seems to be the easiest solution to this challenge. This week discuss the following:
1. What is the circadian rhythm? Explain how it works, what it does, and its importance.
2. Society's sleep reduction has created life threateniing results. Discuss one or more of these threats and be sure to include what society has done to counter this threat (ie. laws & technology).
Part -3:
Classical and Operant Conditioning have laid the foundation for learning techniques used today.
1. Discuss both Classical and Operant Condition, who was the founder of each theory, and the difference between the two.
2. Briefly describe present day learning/parenting techniques using an example that displays classical conditioning, operant conditioning, or a combination of the two.
Part -4:
Memory is something that tends to be better for some and worse for others
1. How the memory process works.
2. The three types of memory.
3. Different methods of remembering/memorizing.
4. How you tend to remember/memorize information (ie dates, appts, phone numbers)