
Discuss the narrative voice in - a rose for emily

Assignment task:

Use the short story Faulkner "A Rose for Emily" Discuss the narrative voice. What person is it? What gender? What is gained from this point of view? Faulkner begins the story with Miss Emily's funeral parentheses what is his technique called? Parentheses and proceeds to tell the story chronologically. Why? How would the sections need to be rearranged to make it chronological? Why didn't Faulkner tell the story this way? How do people feel about the Griersons? ? Why were the towns people kind of glad when Emily turned 30 and was still unmarried? When they found out she was broke? What transition is used between sections one and two? How are the two sections parallel? When does Emily get fat and develop gray hair? Then? Why does Faulkner in the story with a strand of iron gray hair? Use the short story Le Guin: " the ones who walk away from Omelas" D describe Omleas. What type of society is it? Describe the tone of the store. Describe the narrative voice. Why did Le Guin construct the story in this manner? Why is the child in the closet? What would happen or the child in the closet brought out? What, along with the child in the closet success of Omelian Society? Like Tessie in the lottery, the child is a type of scapegoat. What/who accused of scapegoats today

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Reference No:- TGS03419485

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