
Discuss the mirror-image rule

1. Tricia and Troy are starting a pharmacy. After meeting with their attorney and accountant, they decide they want to begin using the simplest form of business organization they can. Howeverm their primary concern is personal liability. They don't want to jeopardize their personal assets for business obligations. They'll also need to obtain financing to get the business started. A few investors have epressed some interest, but they'll invest their money only if they recevie some stake in the business or some possibility of return for their investments. The investors want to have no part in running the business and want to be sure the they have no liability for busniess debts. What form f business organization would you recommend? explain why other forms of business organizations wouldn't meet their needs?

2.Discuss the mirror-image rule, specifically stating what the rule means. Then give a set of circumstances in which the mirror-image rule would apply.

3. Jill and Abraham have a dispute and wish to settle it with out litigation. They're condsering mediation or binding arbitration. Discuss and campare the ewatures of these two forms of alternate dispute resolution.

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Finance Basics: Discuss the mirror-image rule
Reference No:- TGS0725395

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