
Discuss the millionaire next door process

Consumer Behavior assignment

Assignment: The following assignment relates to "The Millionaire Next Door" and your
consumer behavior ebook "Buying, Having, Being" by Solomon. I will be attaching both one on here and one by email as its a big file.

Purpose: The intent of the assignment/project is for you to: (1) demonstrate recognition
of the applicability of consumer behavior concepts and theories to real world scenarios
and/or circumstances and (2) highlight your ability to build sound arguments. In addition,
the project serves to meet the following course objectives as outlined in the course
syllabus:. 1a) Our students will evaluate business problems and formulate plausible solutions consistent with theory and practice. 1d) Our students will produce professional quality business documents.

Format: Times New Roman 12-point font double-spaced 1.00-1.25 inch margins. Also,
pay attention to grammar and spelling-points will be deducted for these mistakes.

Chapters 1-2 From the millionaire Next Door and relate to any concepts of the book "Buying, Having, Being" by Solomon.

In responding to each question your answers should be well thought out and insightful.
Submissions will be graded based on the applicability of the theory or concept as well the
strength of supporting arguments. The page limitation set for each question will help you
focus your thoughts in responding so as to eliminate all of the extra "stuff". Please note: Do not exceed the stated page limit for each question. Responses exceeding the page limit will not be graded. In other words, for example, if there is a 2-page limit and 3 pages are submitted only the first two pages will be considered for grading.

In answering your questions, information regarding the specific concept or theory referenced should be included (i.e. concept of theory name and page number from text).

If there are any questions please do not hesitate to contact/see me with your questions.

Chapter 1- Page limit: 1

1. Based on what you have read, how is the ‘popular culture' concept of a millionaire
different from and/or similar to the ‘real millionaire' next door? You should first describe
your idea of what the ‘popular culture' is then make your comparison to the ‘real
millionaire'. You may answer in the following manner:


Pop Culture Millionaire

. This is one reason why they are similar (or different)... My answer is based on...

Real Millionaire

. This is one reason why they are similar (or different)... My answer is based on...

Chapter 2 Page limit: 2

1. Based on what you have read in Chapter 2 of "The Millionaire Next Door"
discuss what you believe are contributing factors to the misconception of who
millionaires really are.

2. (a) Which consumer behavior concept/concepts from the textbook (Solomon)
can be used to explain Mr. Friend's consumption pattern in various categories

(b) How does the consumer behavior (Solomon) textbook explain Mr. Friends' parents effect on his consumption pattern.

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Marketing Management: Discuss the millionaire next door process
Reference No:- TGS01754195

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