Answer the questions within five hundred words.
A. Discuss the meaning and scope of political theory.
B. What is politics? Discuss different view about the nature of politics.
C. What is the need for political theory? Why should we study political theory?
D. What is the traditional conceptualization of politics? How does it make a distinction between politics and political science/ political theory?
E. What is liberalism? Discuss the features of classical and Modern liberalism?
F. Discuss the traditional and modern liberal perspectives of state?
G. What is Libertarianism? Explain its key ideas.
H. Define Marxism and Liberalism and explain the key difference between the two.
I. Discuss the liberal tradition of political theory.
J. Discuss the Marxist tradition of political theory.
K. What is Anarchism? Describe its features and explain the views of some major Anarchist Thinkers.
L. Explain the nature of Conservatism propounded by Edmund Burke. Why is it called Enlightened Conservatism?
M. What is an Approach? What are the Traditional and Modern Approaches to Political Theory?
N. What is Behavioural Approach? Discuss its basic feature. What is its limitation?
O. Why Post- Behavioural Approach replaced the Behavioural Approach? What are the basic features of post-Behaviouralism?
P. Examine the nature of Gender Perspective of Politics?
Q. What is the central theme of Feminism? Discuss the salient features of Liberal, socialist and Radical Feminism.
R. Why post- modernism rejects modernism? Discuss the main characteristics of postmodernism.
S. What was the Enlightenment project? What were its basic features? How did it lead to Modernism?
T. What is procedural democracy? Discuss its features. What is its limitation?
U. What is Deliberative Democracy? Discuss its features. What are its limitations?
V. Explain the meaning, modern devices and merits and demerits of direct democracy.
W. What is Territorial Representation? Explain the meaning and types of territorial territorial constituencies.
X. What is functional Representation? Discuss the arguments for and against Functional Representation.
Y. What is proportional Representation? Describe the Single Transferable Vote system.