Discuss the major principles of reward allocation

Discussion Question 1

Explain the difference between a high- and a low-context language? What kinds of problems do you think that an individual from a low-context language may experience when negotiating with people from a high-context language?

Discussion Question 2

A slew of research points to the fact that performance is significantly reduced in an individualistic culture in work team assignments. What is responsible for this? How should multinational managers address this phenomenon?

Discussion Question 3

What do you think Vroom's expectancy theory of motivation stands for? In a multicultural environment, what are the multinational management implications for this expectancy model?

Discussion Question 4

The needs theory (Maslow's theory, ERG, motivator-hygiene, and achievement motivation) and the process theory (expectancy, equity, goal setting, and reinforcement theories) of motivation are applicable in different situations and cultures. Compare, contrast, and discuss multinational management applications of these two categories of motivation theories. What challenges would multinationals experience as they apply these theories of motivation to work environment?

Discussion Question 5

Discuss the major principles of reward allocation. Which one(s) is (are) preferred by the collectivist culture? Individualistic culture? Why?

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Business Management: Discuss the major principles of reward allocation
Reference No:- TGS02966790

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