Discuss the major movement of the biblical metanarrative

Assignment task: You must choose two topics from the approved topic list below.

1. Christ

2. Creation

3. Faith

4. Glory of God

5. Gospel

6. Holiness

7. Hope

8. Image of God

9. Law

10. Love

11. Revelation

12. Righteousness

13. Sanctification

14. Trinity

15. Wisdom

16. Worship

Question 1: Discuss the major movement of the biblical metanarrative, its main character, and its implications for understanding the unity of the biblical books.

Question 2: Choose two topics from the list above with attention on how these theological topics unfold through the through the four major plot movements of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and New Creation.

Question 3: Using theological examples, share the implications that these examples provide humanity's relationship to God.

Question 4: Incorporate at least 2 theological references in your paper using course resources.

Question 5: Incorporate at least 2 relevant biblical references.

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Other Subject: Discuss the major movement of the biblical metanarrative
Reference No:- TGS03274462

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