
Discuss the major issues to be considered when evaluating

For your third paper in this class, write a synthesis responding to the following prompt:

The readings for this unit have discussed the attitudes and opinions of millennials in the United States around the issues of relationships, marriage, and family. In your papers, discuss the major issues to be considered when evaluating millennials' attitudes around these topics, and relate them to your own thinking about these issues.

You can draw from all sources to provide a nuanced view of the topics, or you can align yourself with one subtopic from the available texts. Either way, your commentary and analysis needs to be supported with examples from at least five texts.

Your audience is professors/students in a 4-year university; assume they have not read the texts.

4-5 pages, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, MLA or APA style.

Successful papers will:
• Include an effective introduction that gives a general overview of the topic for the reader.
• Include a claim that explains your attitude towards the issues surrounding millennials and their attitudes about relationships, marriage, and/or families.
• Be organized around the issues that the texts explore considering millennials and their thoughts.
• Include effective body paragraphs that clearly state each issue and provide information about them with evidence from the texts.
• Respond to how you, personally, either align with or do not agree with the attitudes of millennials in regards to the main topics discussed. Also, do you think members of this generation in other countries either align with or deviate from American millennials?
• Include a conclusion that restates the main points to consider when determining the thoughts and feelings of millennials in regards to family and marriage. Explain the importance of the issue; why is it significant? Who can benefit from this knowledge? Why is it useful to know about where this generation is in terms of their thoughts and attitudes about their futures?

Assigned readings:
"Gallup Analysis: Millennials, Marriage, and Family" - gallup.com

"Gen Y is from Mercury" - course reader

"Millennials seeking fulfillment in work instead of faith or family" - The Washington Times

"The Beta Marriage: How Millennials Approach ‘I Do'" - Time Magazine

"15% of American Adults have used online dating sites or mobile dating apps" - pewinternet.org

"Gay Marriages Road to Popularity in 5 Charts" - The Washington Post

"Behind the Rapid Shift in Public Opinion on Same-sex Marriage" - deseratnews.com
"The Millennial Generation Becomes Parents" - millenialmarketing.com
"Millennials in adulthood" - persocialtrends.org

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Dissertation: Discuss the major issues to be considered when evaluating
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