
Discuss the major engagements of the peloponnesian war as


Complete all three sections (A,B,C) of the exam as directed. Number your answers to make it clear which questions your chose. Submit 1 document containing all of your answers from each of the sections via Safe Assign.

A) LONG ESSAYQuestions

Answer two of the following questions. Be certain to answer each part of the questions. Each answer should be 3-4 paragraphs long.

Answers are worth 20 points each.

1) Discuss the major engagements of the Peloponnesian War as detailed in class. What turned the tide of war to allow a victor? What opportunity was not seized by the victor? How did this impact the western world?

2) What was the Cult of Demeter? What were the three main festivals as discussed in class? Why were the festivals important to women?

The Mediterranean World? How does Aristophanes "Thesmophoriazusae" and Homer's "Hymn to Demeter" provide insight into the rituals of Demeter?

3) Detail the three main battles of the Second Punic War as discussed in class. Detail the character, strategies, and battles of Hannibal. Why was he so successful? What led to his downfall? Include insight from Polybius' Character for Hannibal for some of your answer.

B) SHORT ESSAY Questions

Answer three of the following questions. Each answer should be 1-2 paragraphs long. Answers are worth 10 points each.

1) Discuss Aeschylus' The Persians and Herodotus' History Chapter 8 that were assigned. What battle of the Persian Wars does this detail? What are the noticeable similarities and differences between the two accounts?

2) What was the Delian League? Why was it formed? What major event did it lead to?

3) Why were the Twelve Tables created and by whom? Discuss3 of the Tables and the impact on society at the time.

4) Who created the first standing army? Why? What were the consequences negative and positive? What impact did this have upon Rome and Western Civilization?

C) Fill in the Blank Questions:

Provide the missing word/phrase for each of the following. Answers are worth 1 point per blank. Yes a few bonus points are possible in this section!

1) Alexander the Great defeated __________ at Issus when he chose to do this with his army__________ for the first time in history.
2) Alexander accepted this title upon entering Egypt_______. It was the latter title of __________ that caused a rift with his men.
3) Aspasia was the _________ of Perikles.
4) Rhea Silva was a ________________, and the mother of ___________.
5) ___________ was responsible for expanding Rome to Ostia.
6) __________ built the Cloaca Maxima and the ________ across the ___________.
7) The _________________ was Rome's system of expansion and protection.

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History: Discuss the major engagements of the peloponnesian war as
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