Discuss the major assumptions and various types of

1- Discuss the major assumptions and various types of constructivism.
2- summarize the major processes in Piaget's theory that are involved in learning and some implications for instruction.
3- according to constructivism , explain the function of private speech for learning and self-regulation.
4- explain the key principles of vygotsky's sociocultural theory and implications for teaching in the zone of proximal development.
5- according to consrtuctivism , discuss how classroom structure and target variable effect student motivation.
6- according to constructivism, describe how teacher expectations are formed and how they can effect teachers' interactions with students.
7- according to construtivism,describe how discovery learning, inquiry teaching ,peer-assisted learning, discussions and debates can be structured to reflect constctivist principle.
8- according to constructivism, explain how teacher can become more reflectiveand thereby anhance student achivement.
9- list the key features of constructivist learning environments and the major components Of APA learner-centered principle.
10- compare and constrast piaget's and vygotsky's theories, simlliraty and difference.  

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Science: Discuss the major assumptions and various types of
Reference No:- TGS0908093

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