
Discuss the major articles of texas constitution what are

Term Paper Assignment

A research and writing assignment

Term Paper- is required of all federal and Texas government students. The due date for this assignment is not later than April 30, but may be submitted prior to this date. Term papers must be submitted on eCampus under the tab Term Paper.

Students are encouraged to start now on the research phase of this assignment and the actual writing of your paper to make sure it is completed on time per instructions. Term papers must be at least 4-6 pages not including the title page and bibliography page. MLA or APA is acceptable for the style.

Students must select a topic from the topics listed below:

1. What makes Texas politics unique in terms of both the political culture of the State and the policy choices the State Legislature ordinarily makes in establishing public policies.

2. Discuss the major articles of the Texas Constitution. What are the primary criticisms of this document and why does it seem pertinent to the politics and culture of Texas?

3. What powers does the Texas Governor have under the Texas Constitution and why would a politician want to be our Governor?

4. Discuss the powers and role of the Texas Legislature which convened in Austin this year. What major legislation was passed and what impacts will these laws have on Texas citizens?

5. Discuss the Texas judicial system and the uniqueness of the highest State Courts under the Texas Constitution. Why do Texans want to vote for their justices instead of allowing the Governor to appoint same with the approval of the Legislature?

6. Discuss the types of interest groups in Texas and the role they play in making Texas public policies. Why does Texas have "right to work" laws in place?

7. Discuss the impact of illegal immigration in Texas in terms of the Texas economy, Texas public education, the Texas welfare system, and the future political impacts on Texas government of shifting demographics in our State.

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Dissertation: Discuss the major articles of texas constitution what are
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