
Discuss the main points of religion in american life

Assignment task:

A) Read the following article:

Article: Religion and the Founding of the American Republic

B) Analyze and discuss: In an analytical paper discuss the main points of Religion in American life.  Use real-life historical events as case studies to exemplify the arguments. The analysis should be presented in an average of seven hundred and fifty words.

C) Illustrate: Find an artwork to illustrate the main issues presented in the paper.  The artwork may be a piece of studio art (painting, sculpture, photography, etc...), a music piece, a play, a poem, etc.  The purpose of this part of the exercise is to demonstrate your understanding of creative expressions in the context of contemporary culture in the USA.  Please make sure to identify the creative piece with the name of the artist, the medium (is it a painting? a photograph? a song? etc...), and the year it was produced.

Discuss the relationship established between this creative piece and the research paper.  This discussion should not exceed two paragraphs of the written work.

Please cite all work.

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History: Discuss the main points of religion in american life
Reference No:- TGS03276552

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