
Discuss the logic of outsourcing the combined web hosting


DQ 1

As we have discussed, the dotcom failures in the early 2000s were, in part, due to a clear lack of a business plan development and the lack, in most cases, of a sustainable product. Having researched those failures, put yourself in the position of starting a new business. Are the skills required markedly different? Discuss the logic of outsourcing the combined Web hosting and site construction. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages? Compare and contrast setting up a traditional, brick-and-mortar business and an online business.

DQ  2

A large company with a number of products wants to start selling on the Web. Should it use a merchant server or an EC application suite? Assuming it elects to use an EC application suite, how would you determine whether the company should outsource the site or run it in-house?

"Introduction to Electronic Commerce, VitalSource eBook for DeVry University

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Microeconomics: Discuss the logic of outsourcing the combined web hosting
Reference No:- TGS01862481

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