
Discuss the learning theory or theories each site employs


The Websites Project Part 1 information below has been completed. I am stuck on modifying the same websites that I highlighted in red to answer the questions about diversity. Could you please assist me in this matter?

Websites Project - part 2

1. How does the website attend to diversity? Be sure to address each type of diversity separately.

a. How does each attend to cultural diversity?

b. How does each attend to intellectual diversity?

2. Give one suggestion of how each site could improve with respect to diverse populations.

Website Project - Part 1

Review five interactive websites. Discuss the learning theory or theories each site employs. Discuss the ways that the websites account for differences in learning style.

Constructivist theory:

Discoveryeducation.com, an individual has the capability of learning or enhancing his or her painting skills. The site is fitted with several graphics which interacts with the user.

It assists students in learning how to create pictures as well as simulating the work of each artist (discoveryeducation, 2010). Students are encourage to print out what they have created in a school's computer lab environment, computers can also be set to ensure that students carry out virtual art projects after completing their regular art projects(discoveryeducation, 2010). Discoveryeducation website makes use of constructivist theory since students understanding is shaped by personal experience.

This site accounts for the differences in learning style by using visual models to promote understanding. Its theoretical basis is to enable students to understand different objects and their colors (Sims, 2010). Discoveryeducation web site does not promote transfer.

Holistic learning theory:

Canadian Council on learning interactive website makes use of the holistic Learning Theory. This theory is sensory rich seeking to stimulate the student as a whole. Teaching models are used to prioritize the interaction of students at all levels. CCl CC on learning website accounts for the differences in learning styles by using lifelong learning models which may require describing each model first. The theoretical bases applied for this theory include; concrete experience, observation and reflection, forming new concepts and testing new situations (Canadian council on learning, 2010). This site does not promote transfer.

Action learning theory:

Cognitive Design Solutions is an example of an interactive learning website which makes use of action learning theory. This theory involves in linking real world experiences inextricably with learning. It also emphasizes on interaction through the promotion of small cooperative groups and further convening and reflecting on every member's life issues, which is how this interactive website accounts for differences in the style of learning. Theoretical basis for this theory involves the fact that action which is available in real world is considered as the key to learning (Cognitive Design Solutions, 2003). No promote transfer for this website.

Sensory Stimulation Theory:

Speech-language-therapy.com is an example of a website which makes use of sensory stimulation theory of interactive learning. This theory has a theoretical basis that learning actively interacts with the senses of an individual. Visual learning is considered the most effective form of learning for this theory. A large percentage of individuals always learn from what they see. The site does not promote transfer. Speech-language-therapy website accounts for the differences in the style of learning by using visual images, colors, and media to ensure that learning is stimulated (Speech-language-therapy, 2005).

Reinforcement theory:

Readingrockets.org is an example of a website which makes use of reinforcement theory. This theory also has a theoretical view that learning is a consequence of conditioned behavior. Learning improves through reinforcing behavior for example; verbal recognition to encourage students to repeat the different learning strategies which are available. The website accounts for its differences in learning by repeating various factors to enhance learning such as the repetition of multiplication tables (Reading rockets, 2011). Readingrockets website does not promote transfer.


Canadian council of learning (2010). Holistic Lifelong Learning Models.

Cognitive Design Solutions (2003). Interactive Design.

Discoveryeducation (2010). Karen Bosh "Great Tech Speculation"

Reading rockets (2011). Repeated Interactive Read-Alouds in: Preschool and Kindergarten.

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Other Subject: Discuss the learning theory or theories each site employs
Reference No:- TGS01922320

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