I. Be able to define and discuss geographic profiling
II. What is awareness space?
i. Factors related to awareness space
ii. What are mental maps
III. Be able to discuss journeys to crime and the distance traveled by offenders to commit crimes.
IV. What is target backcloth and how is target availability part of it?
V. Be able to discuss the SARA model
VI. What are the similarities and differences between community-based policing versus problem-oriented policing?
VII. Discuss the key elements of intelligence led policing
VIII. Discuss the key elements of predictive policing
IX. What is CompStat and how is it used?
X. Be able to identify future opportunities facing the field of crime mapping
XI. Be able to identify future challenges facing the field of crime mapping
XII. Think of at least one example of future directions for crime mapping research, one example for crime-mapping technology and one example for crime mapping education.