Section 1: Information Systems Overview
This section will be used to describe the organization and talk about information systems and the roles needed to support them.
Section 2: Information Systems Concepts
This section will focus on database management systems and networks.
Section 3: Business Information Systems
This section looks at data and systems that process data.
Section 4: System Development
This section will be used to look at the system development life cycle.
Section 5: Information Systems and Society
This section combines all previous sections and gives the opportunity to look at securing information systems. New Content for Section
1: Information Systems Overview Describe an organization of your choice. You will use this organization as you focus on the concept of information systems. With all of the available choices and technology, describe how the organization goes about the process of choosing the information system.
Discuss the job functions that are needed to support the intended information system used by the organization. Include a description about how an organization can determine the effectiveness of an information system. You should provide at least 2-3 pages of discussion for this information. Some organizations include: Wegmans Food Market (Kroger Company) Delta Airlines JetBlue Walmart Target BestBuy Amazon eBay Sears Publix Barnes and Noble Hilton Hotels Corporation Some info systems which these organizations use are:
1) CRM
2) SCM
3) TPS
4) BI
5) MIS
6) ERP.