
Discuss the intergovernmental international organizations


Report will use credible sources (i.e.-NOT Wikipedia, blogs, obviously liberal or conservative-biased sources with an ideological agenda, etc.) to compile a report on the World Bank one of the intergovernmental international organizations. The report needs to focus on how the organization is structured, its membership requirements, and current member states (if organization has more than a dozen members, you can talk about the regions in the world that the member nations are from). Present one issue/area in which this organization has had success and one issue/area in which this organization has seen failure.


· 2.5 double-spaced pages minimum, with the reference page attached at the end

· 1" margins, Times New Roman, size 12

· The report must be well structured and well-written. Do not rely on bullet-points, direct or paraphrased quotes, etc. Bullet-points eat up more room with less actual content and relying too much on the wording of a source will run up the Vericite (plagiarism) score.

· You must use either APA or MLA.

· You need to use at least four credible, academic sources.

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Business Law and Ethics: Discuss the intergovernmental international organizations
Reference No:- TGS02133637

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