
Discuss the interactional theories of development-cognitive


The first cognitive approach indicates that Kermit has a desire to play the key board but due to several mistakes he tends to give up upon each mistake and then loses interest in particular pieces until he learns to play the keyboard for a particular song. Reading the keyboard manual could be considered to Kermit a task of complexity which causes difficulty for Kermit to comprehend.

Cognitive information processing offers a unique perspective on Kermit's continuing development on using the keyboard, but behaviorism provides a better perspective of why it takes him shorter periods of time some days and longer periods on other days, however like behaviorism offers no particular insight into Kermit's motivation to play or practice the keyboard in the first place.

According to Piaget's theory Kermit should have the basic knowledge obtained as an adult he would have reached the preoperational stage. In regards to a Piagetian perspective what knowledge is being acquired he has physical knowledge of the keyboard which this type of knowledge is obtained from the actions taken. Reading music requires you to learn symbols or symbol systems and according to Piaget is considered social knowledge.

In regards to the story in which Kermit has difficulty learning specifics of the music he wishes to play because social actions requires you to interact with others and at this point Kermit is learning on his own. The theory of Piagets' developmental theory may not apply to this situation in regards to cognitive knowledge and development or other information processing theorists.

The perspective of interactional theories of cognition and development applies to the theory of Kermit who already have knowledge of the keyboard because he learned it early on. Based upon the three modes of understanding Kermit was not new to learning music and what he was learning now was based upon trial and error.

In regards to these theories, interactional theories of development, cognitive and learning development or genetic epistemology and cognitive information processing, how would you compare and contrast the 3 different cognitive theories in this situation. What elements are unique to each viewpoint and which are discussed by all. In the ones discussed what elements are viewed in the same manner, and which ones are viewed differently?

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Other Subject: Discuss the interactional theories of development-cognitive
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