To build on the last couple of weeks and given that there are many clients and athletes that have medical and/or orthopedic issues, one has to wonder why so many Personal Trainers advertise that they have an "expertise" in more than one area. I have seen advertisements that say that they are experts in all of this -at the same time:
i. Those with chronic (lifestyle) diseases
ii. Youth athletes
iii. Older athletes & Anti-aging
iv. Pregnancy, pre-natal, & post-partum
v. Sports Specific Training
vi. Weight loss
Much like the "self-proclaimed-experts" there are fitness professionals that offer nutrition information to their clients. There is basic information that we can offer. However, most Personal Trainers or Strength & Conditioning coaches are not Registered Dietitians (R.D.). RDs are legally allowed to evaluate patients/clients and prescribe nutritional programming. This is the law, though there are many Fitness Professionals who profess to have nutrition expertise and offer nutrition programs, sell supplements, and/or ascribe to one specific type of "diet".
i. Discuss the inherent legal challenges to these behaviors, which can essentially amount to practicing without a license.
ii. Then, pick a health issue and discuss the types of education that would be appropriate for that client, along with behavior that would not be appropriate. Please justify both with appropriate supporting material.