Discuss the influences and learning in the workplace

Discussion Post: Training Development

• Human resource development is the integrated use of training and development, organizational development, and career development. Select one area of interest to you, and discuss how this area fits into your current or future career.

• In order for an organization to increase employee engagement, the company may use various methods. Discuss the influences and learning in the workplace that contribute to training and development. In addition, address your personal experience with employee engagement.

• What is the relationship between human resource management (HRM) and human resource development (HRD)? Identify one pro and one con for HRM and HRD as contributing factors to business success.

The response must include a reference list. Using one-inch margins, double-space, Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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HR Management: Discuss the influences and learning in the workplace
Reference No:- TGS03140362

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