
Discuss the indicators of suicide


Discussion 1: Indicators of Suicide

Increased stress levels, feeling hopeless and alone, being bullied, or experiencing repeated physical or sexual abuse could all be reasons why some adolescents consider suicide. Adolescent suicide has far-reaching consequences on families, friends, communities, and schools. For this Discussion, use the Parker Family case study to consider the indicators of suicide. While Stephanie is now an adult talking about her experience as a youth, image how you would have responded to her at the time she tried to kill herself in adolescence. Also think about how you might react to students in this situation if you were a social worker in a school.

Post your answer to the following:

• After learning about the character in the Parker Family case study, imagine that you were the school social worker at the time Stephanie attempted suicide as a teenager. Which indicators would you have looked for and why.

• How would you have responded to each of those indicators?

• What kinds of questions would you have asked and why?

Discussion 2: Developing Alliances in Social Work Practice

• Have you ever heard the term or saying "straight but not narrow"? This is an example of a statement of being an ally-recognizing one's unique position of privilege yet standing with others who are oppressed. By taking this course, you have started the process of becoming an ally. Evan and Washington (2013) identify the steps toward being an ally, which include being supportive of those who are unlike you, learning about other cultures, becoming aware of the oppression and marginalization, and becoming aware of one's own privilege. Getting involved in issues is part of that process. You will consider how to become an ally this week.
• To prepare: Review "Working With Survivors of Human Trafficking: The Case of Veronica." Think about how one might become an ally to victims of human trafficking . Then go to a website that addresses human trafficking either internationally or domestically.

• Post a brief description of the website you visited. Explain how you might support Veronica and other human trafficking victims incorporating the information you have found. Explain how you can begin to increase your awareness of this issue and teach others about human trafficking victims. Describe opportunities to get involved and become an ally to those who have been trafficked. Identify steps you can take to begin to support this group.

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Biology: Discuss the indicators of suicide
Reference No:- TGS03208602

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